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Category Archives: Communications – a two-way art
Banner has never been shy about expressing her opinions, for which I am grateful, usually. But it occurred to me how efficiently she can convey a thought. When Word starts counting syllables instead of whole words, I could be in … Continue reading
Posted in Communications - a two-way art
Tagged Banner, big sigh, breakfast, Newf speak
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Banner LOVES driving to the park and around town, or taking road trips. She watches out the windows with enthusiasm, like a kid going to a theme park, even when we take the same path or mostly the same path … Continue reading
Posted in Communications - a two-way art
Tagged Banner, bias, communication, interpretation, newf, newfoundland dog
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Banner and I had a little conversation last week. It can be surprisingly enlightening to exchange ideas with a Newf. They can be good listeners, and they can be just as surprised by what we understand of those exchanges. Ordinarily, … Continue reading
*Published 6/29/23; written in 2016 Each Newf that comes to be a part of our lives has a different personality. There are somesimilarities, particularly between members with similar lines, but there are also differences in ways that make them irrefutably … Continue reading
Posted in Communications - a two-way art, Sleeping Quarters
Tagged alpha, Banner, Jade, newf, newfoundland dog, personality, sisters
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