Happy Friday morning!

As I walked through the kitchen nearly awake, looking for coffee materials while the water boiled, I came to the awakening realization that we were out of half and half.  Making coffee is a precise ritual, and all ingredients must be present in the proper amounts.  I tried substituting with creamer, but this wasn’t quite right.  There was a small bottle of Bailey’s, not quite empty, and not quite fresh, so I added this.  It helped provide the dairy creamer effect, but since I had already added sugar, it was overly sweet.  Like a teenager, I tuned out the sweetness then sat on the sofa to enjoy my morning cup of coffee.

My little girl ambled over and sat in front of me for some pleasant dialog.  Happy Fridays bring out the optimism in our Newfs, and her expression revealed a particular pleasantness.  She had this same pleasantness when she offered hug time, as the coffee water boiled.  She enjoys morning hugs, and these include tip to tail affection, beginning with a wrap-around hug, one arm under her neck and one wrapped around her belly, face next to her head, nose up, followed by rubbing and kneading along her back, with caresses around her head.  These are very important.

As I sat on the sofa, her expression conveyed a softness that invited another head caress.  There is a valley between the orbital skeletal structure of her eyes where a Newf can’t lick or scratch, and this is an area where she appreciates being rubbed.

I continued following the curves of her head with my hand, then began doing the “mom” thing, inspecting her ears, lifting her jowl flap to check her teeth, smiling at her and telling her that she had pretty teeth.  Enough is enough, so as I lifted her right jowl, she raised her paw and put it on my arm as she looked intently into my eyes.  I said, “OK”, and continued rubbing her head, looking back into her eyes, into that deep pool of brown.  Deep brown is one of my favorite colors.  In the past few years, it has re-emerged as a color option in material goods.  I found some long-sleeved and three-quarters sleeved shirts in a lovely shade of dark brown, and I found one suit in a nice brown.  When we built our cabin in 2014, we used a beautiful deep brown quartz countertop.  In the past year, I haven’t found such beautiful shades of deep brown in clothing, and now that we are building the house, the deep browns in countertop are not as available.  There are some dark colors with brown hues, but not the deep, reflective, beautiful brown like the eyes of a Newfoundland.

Banner smiled.  Her concerns are not about the color of the countertop, and this morning being a Friday morning, her concerns were not about anything at all.  She was simply happy.  She is simply happy, and joyful.  Last night she was so happy that she played with toys, mostly that party toy, the noisy cat-ball, in pre-celebration until after I fell asleep.

Each of our Newfs learns that Fridays are special, a time to be shared and appreciate your company more than other days, the 7th day of the week in a Newfie calendar.

Happy Friday!  Pass it on!

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