It’s a lovely breezy (very breezy) sunshiny day on the outskirts of the Ozarks. I was allowed to go to bed early last night and sleep late this morning, by Greg AND by the Newfs. (and that was sorely needed!) As soon as I began to wake, there was a friendly girl face on one side of the bed, and a boy quick to rise and smile at me from the other side of the bed. This is in no way something that I take for granted. Our days, and our good days, are all numbered, so these are the days I cherish.
Parker woke up in that warm happy glow that shows his special appreciation for the day of the week, rather, the two days following and the prospects of joy to come in the company of your pod. There is only one of him in this world, and we are nearing a very special event. I don’t know whether he knows this or not yet, since we will be celebrating a couple of days early. Greg needs to be gone for Parker’s birthday, Jan. 20, a good day to honor peace.
Ours is a relationship that began early, before he was a “twinkle in his Dad’s eye”. It has been crafted with learning that comes from years of living together, sharing food, playing, and listening to each other, with all of the ups and downs that come from growing up, and growing old, together. It comes from learning to trust and respect each other. All relationships are in different stages of development, but ours is a mature relationship. This is my goal with each Newfoundland, to enjoy the process and arrive at the benefits of a mature relationship, for as long as possible.
The sutures from last week’s biopsy are healing nicely, so he will get a bath in the morning, after breakfast. Then we will boil eggs and start dinner, take a drive, take a short walk somewhere, stop for some treats, and do anything else that will help him celebrate. Last week on a nice day, he wanted to play Stick in the yard, then sit by the swing for a while. Also, he was exuberant about the balls that he got for Christmas, and it looks like this will be a nice weekend for getting out of the house to have fun. I will wrap the Woody Woodpecker toy for him, so he can enjoy the unwrapping, without assistance from a girl dog, as part of his present. That toy should be the hit, but with Newfs, when it is someone’s birthday, everyone gets toys, so that no one is left out.
This will be his 12th birthday, so he will get his own grass-fed ribeye steak, or two, for dinner. He’s partying in the floor right now, legs flailing. And now reaching his paw up in the air with humor to pull a toy toward him. I think he’s gotten into the punch bowl early. <g>
Happy Friday to all, and Happy Birthday to Parker!