Posted 10/17/14
We spent last week camping in south central Missouri with dogs and horses. Aside from one day when those weird little goat heads began popping out of the grass near the horses, all was good. The horses enjoyed their time in the Ozarks, with Whippoorwill enjoying the adventure at a furious pace. A high-energy blend, she is a lot for a poor Quarter Horse to keep up with.
We took the dogs to a river for one day, on a path that I knew 30 years ago. We had to resort to using the GPS in an area where I was pleasantly surprised to find that the GPS worked and had correct information. ; )
This was Banner’s first time to swim, and like most Newfoundland puppies, she went easily into the water as if she had done this all of her life. However, the channel was deep and fast, and the shallow area was short, so she was on a carefully guarded leash. She will get a few more opportunities before winter, so hopefully she will still be confident next year when she has grown to more than double in size.
A pictorial overview: OctCamping2013