Category Archives: A Little Humor

Born with a sense of humor, their perspective offers us the opportunity to not take ourselves so seriously


Banner was waiting for her turn to go out with enthusiasm, even though she had been out 30 minutes earlier. The weather has been noticeably cooler, and any opportunity to go outside held promise. She was standing in the doorway … Continue reading

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What kind of dog looks like Bigfoot?

In 2005, we got our first one-ton van for traveling with Newfs. On the back, I added the sign, “Exclusive Transportation for Members of The BigFoot Club.” This van has traveled from the west coast to the east coast, as … Continue reading

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If this were a puzzle clue, we wouldn’t need to call a lifeline for help. I thought it would happen later today, but when Banner went outside this morning, her expression looked like someone who had been surprised with the … Continue reading

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I am so excited!  A segment of CBS Sunday Morning was about a speech pathologist who taught her dog to “speak”, using a device that I had wondered about 20 years ago, wishing it had existed when Banker was here.  … Continue reading

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