9 YEARS AGO TODAY (4/5/11)

(Written about Parker 4/5/2002)

I’m not an early riser by nature, but because of the new addition, I have made many trips outside at intervals throughout the night. 5:30 a.m. has been one of the routine times.

This morning, Little Big Stuff (has no name yet) crowed his 5:30 a.m. call. I got up as usual, put on sweats, shoes & a jacket, collected the leash and went outside with him. At this time of the morning, the cats often parade by, interrupting his focus, so things may take a little longer. I thought I heard something as we reached the potty area, and listened harder. (My ears are awake all night long now, but my eyes open only enough to get the task done.) I heard it again, but wasn’t sure of what I was hearing. My ears were now fully tuned in, listening for this sound, and I heard it again. It was a chorus of turkeys gobbling, along with the echoes of those gobbles, coming from the creek behind the house!

That is a very welcome sound! Hints of spring arrive with the daffodils and the migrating songbirds, but this makes it official.

Happy Spring to everybody!

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