Written 4/17/17


Dear Newf friends.

I’m having a Gggrrrreat time on this road trip.  I’ve been on many road trips in the past several months, but this is by FAR the BEST!

I am thrilled with all of the activity passing  in front of my window.  And I have a nice, big window on each side.

For the first couple of days, there was snow, rain and hail, with strong gusts.  That made it harder to see.  Then we took a tour through a large city, with a couple of nights to let the van rest.  Wow!  The food is good there.  We took a short hike to see water flowing and falling.  My sister got her mojo on when she thought we were going swimming, but even though you could hear the water, she said she couldn’t find it.  She wasn’t ready to quit looking, but Mom said we had to go.

Then we found a LOT of water, but we didn’t get to go out in the boat.  Mom said that it sounded like fun when Lin talked about it, and that the stuff they brought back was good for Luke. I thought it was tasty, better than those other things that are boiled and peeled that slide out of my mouth, but my sister thought it smelled suspect.

We stopped for a few days in one place where there were a LOT of Newfs.  I didn’t know there were black and white ones. Two big black and white boys were nearby while three big black ones started playing.  One began to talk tuff, but my sister launched up to put a stop to that nonsense.  Two of the boys looked at her as if to say, “b-b-but we weren’t doing anything.”  Truthfully, she’s a big tomboy, and if there’s an opportunity to party, she wants to be in the middle of it. People think I’m the crazy one, but just because she’s quiet, don’t be fooled.

I get so excited about traveling that I can’t sit still or be quiet. Stops occasionally are good for water, relief, food, more water, but I like it when the windows are moving.  Today Mom played a “dirty” trick. I smelled like a well-travelled Newfoundland, after a week of rain, so she said we needed to make a stop.  It looked like fun until I went inside.  There were several white stalls in a row along one wall.  It looked a lot like where we went last month, and I wanted to get the heck out of there!!  But my other human held the end of the leash and helped me up.  Whew!  It turned out to be fun after all!  (bath). And ha-ha!  Look at me!  I’m the first to finish.

Mom peeled some Cuties to share once we were back on the road, but I don’t care for those.  She may not have a green thumb, but she sure has an orange one.

Now the windows are moving again and I’m happy.  There were a lot of car parts along the side of the road in a steep area, and we had to move slowly for a long time.  We passed something that a human said was a great big sucking machine.  It’s been raining since I got my bath.  Mom thinks that’s how to make the rain come.  There is a nice rhythm and the van is purring.  Think I’ll take a nap.  I can’t wait to wake up and see what’s outside the window next!

Cruising off the California coast

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4 Responses to MOVING WINDOWS

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