Written 6/19/08
It was a lovely evening for a bored (and I mean, REALLY bored) Newfoundland to go for a walk. Plus, it was Thursday, which precedes Friday, so the weekend is on its way!
Parker was overdue for a walk in town. Walks in town are where Newfs are hugged and petted and where they get an opportunity to read their p-mail.
I needed to stop at the Post Office, and wanted to see if the new coffee shop was open yet, so instead of going toward the park, we went toward the square. As we walked on the sidewalk along one of the smaller streets, a police car that was moving toward us began to slow down. My first thought was about whether I would have trouble negotiating with the officer about living outside of town, where we are not required to have a license or vaccinate annually but rather every 3 years. That was followed quickly with a memory of a story from another Newf owner about being stopped by a patrol car with flashing lights for walking a “bear” on a leash.
Fortunately, this officer was just a very nice guy who was taken with Parker. His expression abated any of my hesitation. He said, “I’ll bet you have heard this hundreds of times” and I wondered which of those I would hear next, but all he said was , “But, Wow!” It’s always a joy to share your joy with someone else, and a pleasure to meet those who share that joy.
We had an enjoyable walk for the rest of the evening, and I thought about some of the other stories where “bears” had been sighted and posters put up around town, in different areas in North America and in Europe. Life can certainly be more interesting shared with a Newf, particularly with the Ambassador of Good Humor!