There are “pet people” and there are “companion animal people”, although many “companion animal people” still call themselves “pet people”. Pet people seem fascinated with “cute”.  Companion animal people are becoming easier and easier to distinguish, and more present – less in the shadows, more willing to be honest and open, less intimidated by the accusation of anthropomorphism.  (I’m not saying that this doesn’t occur, but that it can be an easy excuse wielded by those with less empathy or those struggling to be honest with themselves.)

On Saturday, I met a lady in the park with a couple of kids.  She was smiling and waved when she saw Banner.  She had been watching Banner dance and gait as we walked.  She told me that she had a Newfoundland that she lost last year at eleven.  She said that she couldn’t bear to get another Newf because he broke her heart when he passed.  How easy is that to understand?  Her Newf had been raised with her son, then twelve.  She said that she didn’t know which hurt more, losing their Newf or the impact his loss had on her son.

It’s always encouraging to meet other people who are genuine in their relationships with their dogs.

This morning I found an article on Pocket (more likely it found me) about a family bonded to an aging Corgi that had been the father’s companion. It was an enjoyable read that I thought most of you would also enjoy. There is very little in this story that you won’t recognize, from the perspective of the different subjects or about the animals:  https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/life-in-dog-years/

Happy Monday! (on an after-holiday Tuesday)

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